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Dec 15, 2012


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Don't forget about the OGRE: http://www.bonkhardracing.com/races/ogre/default.asp

The list is currently full at 300, but there's also a waiting list.

Also, Butthead is putting together the BOCOMO blowout on June 15th. He says it'll be around 150-200k.

150-200K? Since when do we use kilometers? How many kilometers will The Cedar Cross be?

I have the OGRE race on the calendar. I didn't know about the Blowout race. Didn't know you and Butthead were like

Anyone hear about this Dirty Nellie race? It's around 400 miles put on by then Alamonzo guys. I believe there's an unlimited time to finish it.

I'm actually Butthead's trainer; I'm surprised you didn't already know that.

My understanding on the Dirty Nellie 400 was that there's no definite race date; it's like the divide tour where you can go out there anytime.

I'm in and registered for the Land Run 100 in OK. Hope most of you guys can make it.

I cant make Land Run 100... We could all go down and crash the OGER. Get our own crew and stuf. Getting really fed up with races filling up...

I'm in for Land Run 100.

Planning on doing both days of the Hermann gravel extravaganza, Cedar Cross, and Dirty Kanza. Races that I'm also thinking of doing but probably won't are Cohutta 100 and Syllamo 125K. I'll do some of the UFD series. Definitely will do BT Epic again but that's a long way off.

I'll know next week when I get back to work if I will be able to go to the Land Run 100.

Corey, I'm not totally against banditing a race though we'll see if we can get in on the wait list or if they open it to anyone willing to pay the entry fee. Also, I believe it is spelled O G R E.

Wait, I thought it was spelled ORGE? A 150 mile ozark orge. Am I wrong about that? I was gonna bring lots of extra chamois butter too.

hey guys...I went ahead and signed up for the OGRE but I doubt I'll be able to attend. If I get in I'm more than willing to give my spot to a Red Wheeler.

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