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Oct 30, 2012


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Awesome write-up. That was a great race. I can't believe I call myself a mountain biker and had never ridden that trail before.

I was riding behind the guy with the camera for at least a mile before I realized he was taking evidence that I was drafting. That guy was too strong though, he dropped me after a few miles but he did move me past at least a dozen people.

About sums it up Matt! I love that race and hate it both. I wonder how man people missed that turn off. Great work evreyone! AMERICA! F#CK YEAH!

BTW. Did anyone happen to grab my Neck gator?

Dude, you're married now. There should only be one person, (other than yourself) grabbing your "neck gator." You Sinner.

I freakin' love the BT Epic. It's hard, there's much suffering but I always get in a groove despite the pain. Even with the 15 minute flat change from hell and rolling past the turn on the OT from Berryman campground (how the hell did that happen anyway??????? to so many racers?????and with the turn clearly marked??????????) it was still a great day on the bike. It was great to see a solid TRW turnout and everyone finished!

And, Bob, you can't turn everything into a sexual euphemism. And it's spelled "gaiter". I don't want people to think TRW can't spell. Sheesh.

I just found this other video of Saturday's race. Check it out!

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