That was a tough ride for this fat boy. 6 of us meet up at the paved pavilion parking lot to try and get some miles in and tackle a few of those monster hills. We did an extra 12 mile loop in the river bottom first as a warm up and to make the ride a little longer. Going out was fine, but when we got on the Katy Trail for the return trip to Claysville we had a 15 mph head wind and a soft trail to ride on. By the time we got to Claysville and made our way up to Hwy 63, half of the group decided they had enough and turned back. Jason W, Andy, and myself continued on to do the gravel road loop north of 63. It was a nice ride. The road was in good shape, no dogs, few cars, and big hills. By the time we made it back from what I think was a 45 mile ride the three of us were smoked.
I'm excited about putting this loop together, it's not too long but it's not too EZ ether. I think this will be a great winter/early spring train ride, when the trails are too wet and the roads are too cold. Jason and I were talking about adding this ride with other roads we know to make it even longer. We'll see what we come up with.
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